There’s nothing like a little competition to keep things interesting at the cottage!
So, for the last 4 years, we’ve hosted the “Cedarwood Bass Classic,” a cottage fishing tournament.
The “Cedarwood Bass Classic” or CBC for short, has evolved from an all summer event to just a few weeks. And we’ve changed a few of the rules along the way. Most of the things we changed were for The Commissioner’s (Brian’s) ease. Ease always equals more FUN for everyone here at Cedarwood!
We know a few other people who hold derby-like events at their cottages and trailers, most are short (1 or 2 day) events. Everyone descends upon their place for that short time. The trouble we see with that scenario, aside from the chaos and shortage of sleeping space, is that not everyone can make it who might like to participate. Our Cottage Fishing Tournament starts on Bass Opening Day (3rd Saturday in June) until just before Summer Shutdown. That way “The Commissioner” can focus on having a great summer vacation instead of “working” the CBC.
Yes, Cottage Life is first and foremost about ease and relaxation. Anything we do here either has to BE that or Create that.
Every year we have a little ceremony to present the winner(s) with their prize. This year we had our FIRST FEMALE ANGLER win the tournament! Kim won on the first day of the tournament with a 3.1lb Largemouth Bass – nothing like setting the bar high! Here’s our first video of the event In the meantime, here’s a picture of our winner!
Interested in holding your own Cottage Fishing Tournament?
Here are the Rules & Regulations for our current “Cedarwood Bass Classic.” It has only one First Place winner and simplified rules.
Download the Rules & Tracking sheet to create your own Cottage Fishing Tournament. If you’d like more than one prize, here is our previous version for 1st and 2nd Place Winners.
You’ll note that the Tracking Sheet also allows us to keep records of fish and conditions year over year. Now we won’t have to debate over which year who caught what and when! We will sadly miss some of those debates … haha.
2017 Cedarwood Bass Classic
Entry Fee: $3.00/day
Prize: 100% of the pot, Possession of the CBC Trophy until the start of the next CBC, Award of Achievement, Your picture on the Wall of Fame in the Bunkie
1. Tournament opens June 24, 2017 and closes July 16, 2017
2. Contestants must be logged into the Cedarwood Bass Classic log book and pay the daily fee prior to fishing.
3. Only fish verified by a judge will qualify.
4. Contestants may act as a judge for other contestants. A judge does not have to be entered in the CBC.
5. A judge must have read the rules of the CBC, be able to verify the weight of the fish and must sign the daily log.
6. Daily results will be recorded in the CBC log book by the CBC Commissioner or his delegate and signed by the judge who verified the catch. The following will be entered for each contestant: Weight of each anglers largest fish caught and the number caught. Note: The number of fish caught does not qualify for any prize; it is recorded for statistical purposes only.
7. Only Smallmouth bass and Largemouth Bass will qualify within the tournament. No other species of fish will qualify for the CBC.
8. 1st Prize will be determined by weight using a scale that is approved by the CBC Commissioner. All weights will be recorded as read from the scale (NO ROUNDING!)
9. In the event of a tie for 1st place, the 1st place prize money will be divided equally.
10. 2nd Prize – Sorry about your luck! If it isn’t the biggest it may as well have been the smallest! Feel free to brag about your catch to your friends though.
11. All contestants must make every effort to assist with other anglers in the successful catch of any hooked fish. In the event of multiple hook-ups at one time, it is every angler for themselves.
12. The Commissioner has the right to disqualify or fine any contestant for attempting to sabotage or interfere with another angler.
We’d love to hear about your Cottage Tournaments and/or how this one works for you! Drop a comment below…
Now that the Cedarwood Bass Classic is over for the year we can relax on the competition part and just have fun fishing.
P.S. I caught a 3.32 lb fish and 10 minutes after that Brian caught his biggest Bass to date (5.52lbs) one week after the CBC was over !
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