Moving Into Our New Build: Our Story and Best Tips for an Easy Move

Well, if delivery day and final inspection days weren’t surreal enough, moving day certainly was! After years of wishing, dreaming and planning, plus 3 months of not having a home of our own and having almost all of our belongings – the stuff that makes a home homey – in storage, we were more than ready to get into our new place. But there was still work to do to get there! So, once everyone cleared out after the inspection and we took a moment to let the magnitude of the moment sink in, it was time to prepare to move in! 

This is us soaking in the moment when our home was finally ours!

We had only 2 ½ days between inspection and move-in. Our plan was to: 

  • Clean
  • Build pantry shelving so we could unpack the kitchen bins
  • Figure out our occupancy permit
  • Reconfirm that all deliveries and our movers were ready and timed logically. 

Oh! and we were still working so all of this had to be squeezed in around that. WHEW!

The Big Tidy Up

After looking around the house again, it quickly became clear that cleaning and wrapping up the logistics of the move would be about all we could do in the short time we had. I’m not sure about all builders, and I’m not sure if our build was an exception because of the extra drywall work that had to be done, and there is a chance that my expectations were too high, but every inch of our home was covered in construction dust. It was disappointing but it wasn’t the end of the world. 

We got to work. I started vacuuming, dusting and washing the floors. Brian started wiping down walls, and cleaning windows. Somewhere along the way, something strange started to happen; I started to notice that once I got past the aggravation at having to clean so much, the more I cleaned, the more grateful I became that we didn’t build a large home. 🤣  I also felt myself becoming even more connected and in love with our new home. I guess you could say that, what started as a disappointing inconvenience, turned out to be a real gift. Isn’t that the way things often work out? 

Appliance Delivery Mix-Up

Back in January we received a call from our appliance supplier to let us know that the microwave had been discontinued and the dishwasher would be delayed in delivery. We simply selected a replacement microwave and decided we could survive without a dishwasher for a little while. I was pretty sure, at that time, that I had confirmed our move in and delivery dates and we were all set for delivery. Well … maybe not!

Two weeks prior to our scheduled moving day, I was curious why I hadn’t heard from the store about our appliance delivery. We decided to wait until 1 week, as they probably aren’t confirming delivery times that far out. As it happens, I got busy and it took me a little extra time to circle back to reconfirm our delivery. Long story short, we were going to be moving into our new home with NO appliances for a week! 

Time to come up with a quick Plan B! We had plans to purchase a bar fridge to go in the pantry; looks like that plan just got bumped up. So, with the freezer we already had, a tiny new fridge, our old microwave, a coffee maker and an air fryer, surely we could survive a week or two right? 

A Smooth Moving Day

As construction was winding up and our inspection day drew near, Brian took care of booking and coordinating the movers (and me) for our big moving day while I focused on coordinating the final steps with our Site Manager and the Township. All of our packing was done months ahead and nearly all of our possessions were safely tucked away in storage so there wasn’t much for us to do as far as packing – thank goodness! 

On the day of our move, I still had some cleaning I wanted to complete before the movers came so we decided I’d head up while Brian met the movers at the storage unit and wrapped up a few loose ends in town before heading HOME himself.

Moving In!

The plan was to have the movers set all boxes and bins in the garage and bring the furniture into proper rooms. That plan, plus an awesome team of movers worked like a charm for us as we were  able to bring in the boxes one-by-one to unpack rather than tripping over stacks of  boxes for weeks. After the team left, we got to work, setting up what we’d need immediately: a bed, linens, bathroom supplies and our temporary kitchen. 

By 5pm we were more than ready for a break and just in time for my sister and brother-in-law to show up to take us out to dinner! It was a big, busy day that went off without a hitch – at least nothing I can remember! 

Tips from a Professional Mover

Even though our move was – I think – well prepared and easily executed, I’m pretty sure I’m not the right person to give advice about making your move go well too. Not wanting to leave you hanging, I reached out to our mover, Shayna at Ezee Moving Owen Sound, for her best tips for a smooth moving day. Here’s what she had to say: 


  1. BOXES & TOTES – When purchasing boxes or totes, choose the appropriate size. Too often we see people buying massive boxes and jamming them full but the reality of this is that it makes them too heavy or awkward to lift. If you prefer to use totes, consider purchasing clear totes so you can see your items. This helps with the unpacking process. I’d add that it’s helpful to use as few box (or bin) sizes as possible. Consistent container sizes make for easier stacking and better use of room in a storage locker, or in the moving truck.  
  1. TAPE – Yes, tape is a big deal! It is important to purchase a good tape. We personally find that clear tape can let go easily therefore, when we do a packing job, we always use tuck tape. If you choose to use clear tape, we recommend that you double tape the seams to be sure they don’t let loose. 
  1. PACKING – If packing your own belongings, leave yourself enough time to be completely ready when your movers arrive. Too often we show up on moving day to find people have not packed smaller trinkets or they’ve run out of boxes. Your mover won’t bring extra boxes with them unless specifically asked to do so. Plus it’s a poor use of their time and your money to be waiting for you to finish packing. I’d add – for the sake of healthy backs everywhere, put your books, rocks and fitness weights (and any other small but heavy items) in smaller, well labeled boxes.
  1. PROTECT YOUR VALUABLES – Most moving companies will provide a packing service but if you choose not to take advantage of that and do your own packing, be sure to protect your breakables. Wrap anything breakable properly using bubble wrap, wrapping paper, towels or blankets. Most moving companies will have a clause in their contracts that they are not liable for damage to contents of a box that they didn’t pack. If your mover is moving your belongings into a storage unit, have extra blankets ready for stacking purposes. Movers will not leave their blankets in your locker therefore, to protect your furniture (especially wood/tables), it is smart to have a layer of blanket between all stacked furniture items. If you don’t have spare blankets, you can usually find some at Value Village or any thrift shop near you. 
  1. LABELING –  When labeling boxes or totes be sure to label them clearly. This helps the movers know where to put each box and you’ll be able to identify the boxes you need to unpack first easier. You can think of labeling at your destination too, for example bedroom 1, bedroom 2 on the box and then having your destination rooms labeled too. You can use colour coding, signs or any other system that’s easy for anyone to understand will make unloading more efficient for the movers, and for you. 
  1. BONUS PACKING TIP – Packing a “personal bag” is key, that way you have all of the essentials you will need for moving day and until you are able to get through more unpacking and settling into your new home.

Moving Day

  1. OUTSIDE – Be sure to have the driveway clear of cars, objects, and snow! It is not the movers responsibility to shovel your driveway. Be sure the truck or trailer can be backed into position safely. 
  1. INSIDE – Your Mover should have runners to put down to protect your flooring when it comes to weather conditions, but it doesn’t hurt to also have something of your own in the off chance they show up with nothing or not enough. Some movers (like ours) prefer to have some crew members inside and some unloading outside, this way they only have to protect a small area at the front entrance. 
  1. PETS – Be sure that all pets are tucked away so that the movers can be as efficient as possible.  Nothing is worse than carrying furniture and tripping over a pet or worrying about them fleeing out the open door.
  1. STAGING – Have the majority of boxes in one area of your home, preferably close to the door. This  is ideal for an efficient move as the movers typically start with boxes.
  1. COMMUNICATION – Have one person designated to be the key communicator with the movers. They’ll be responsible for answering questions, clarifying your needs and most importantly, directing the unloading.

Now it’s time to unpack, settle in and enjoy our dream come true! Once spring comes we’ll have lots more finishing to do outside … and I can’t wait!

A quick note about our movers – Ezee Moving in Owen Sound were well priced, super easy to work with, made moving fun (seriously, check out their Facebook or Instagram feeds). Thanks to Shayna and her whole crew!

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The Cottage Wife

In addition to hiking, biking, reading and writing, I like to focus on making as light an impact on the land possible, while still living a modern life.

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